Monday, October 31, 2011
Anime Screening
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Club Meeting
Student Council Rep: Josh C.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
First Meeting
Welcome to the Manga Club 2011-2012 school year. This club is for students interested in anime, Japanese comics, graphic novels, and graphic arts.
· This is a student run organization that gives manga fans a place to meet to discuss their favorite series and artists.
· Anime screenings will take place regularly starting with Toriko on Funimation.
· Shelfari: reviews are expected by the members in order to increase the manga presence on this virtual book shelf. Student reviews of manga are an important part of the SHS shelfari.
· Collection maintenance: Members are in charge of the manga collection. Specifically, this means that books need to be shelved, organized, and monitored. Suggestions for new series are always welcome and needed in order to maintain the integrity of the collection. It is your responsibility to support and promote this collection of books.
· Suggestions for fund raisers are welcome and the money raised will be used on new books for the collection.
· Members need to report missing volumes in order to re-order and keep the collection as complete as possible.
· Suggestions are always welcome. This club will be fun only if you are actively involved. The club maintains a blog and welcomes input as well as original artistic designs.
· Community Service: We are currently collecting cereal for the Keep the Change Food pantry in Strasburg. We hope to collect at least 100 boxes. Please do your part of promote and support this effort.
· We need to hear from you and welcome all suggestions. Specifically, we would like to see a group project that will add to or improve the collection such as the large graphic on the wall in the library.